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Cyber Safety
This website has great articles that discuss child safety on the Internet. Other topics that are discussed are Chat Room Safety, Cell Phone Safety, and Blog Safety.
FBI: Parents Guide to Internet Safety
This is a handbook that is pubished by the FBI. It includes helpful tips on how to recognize when your child might be at risk on the internet and how to minimize this risk.
This website allows parents to set passwords for their children. The SafeSurf Rating Standard gives website creaters the ability to rate their Websites to give warnings to parents or young users.
OnGuard Online
This website focuses more on Internet safety in general. It gives practical tips that will help you guard against Internet fraud, securing your computer, and protecting your personal information.
For Parents & Educators

For Kids
CyberNetiquette Comix
This website uses classic Disney characters to teach valuable lessons about Internet safety.
Safety Land
An interactive city that teaches Internet safety. Kids help the Safety land hero catch a bad Internet character by searching buildings in the city and answering Internet safety questions.
iKeep Safe
This is a kid friendly Internet safety program that follows a cat named Faux Paw and her adventures in the Internet. The online books and videos teach kids basic Internet safety, how to handle cyber bullying, balancing real life with screen time, and the risks and dangers of downloading.
The Carnegie Cyber Academy
Students join the Cyber Academy and complete several missions to equip them to be good cyber citizens and defend the Internet.
Think U Know Cyber Cafe
This website has a virtual environment where students can practice their online safety smarts. In the cafe, students help virtual kids make good choices when using email, texting, instant messaging, web browsing, creating an online personal space, and chatting in a chat room.
For All!
This website is a great resource for parents, teachers, and children! It includes interactive games and activites that utilize the latest web technology to entertain while educate. Discusses cyberbullying, meeting strangers, and peer-to-peer harrassment.
Other Resources

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